Best Quality Product

Plywood is widely used in construction concrete formwork. Construction, Repair, and Maintenance of Buildings, Bridges, Beams, Fly-overs, Vehicle Bodies, Porta Cabins Roofing, Dams, Industrial Racks.

Important Material
Fast Dalivery
Good Quality

Plywood Prices

Featured Products

Korean-plex Plywood types

Korenplex Plywood

High-Pressure Plywood

Core:11 Thickness:18mm Rs.5300

Duarplex Plywood

Duraplex Plywood

construction Material

Core:9 Thickness:16mm Rs.4800


Marineplex Plywood

Construction Material

Thickness:16mm Rs 2700

high-pressure Plywood

Korenplex Plywood

construction Material

Thickness:16mm Rs.4200

Regular Products

Marineplex Plywood

Marineplex Plywood

Thickness:25mm Rs.8000


Korenplex Plywood

Thickness:16mm Rs:4200


Dura plex Plywood

Thickness:16mm Rs.2800

commercial plywood

Commercial Plywood

Thickness:16mm Rs.3500

Virgin Wood Enterprises department standards of quality, innovating and applying modern technology in construction plywood. Now consumers don’t hesitate to accept Virgin Plywood as the full value of money. Plywood Manufacturer factory is one of Pakistan’s leading Shuttering Plywood Manufacturing organizations.